Still steadily recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, Chicago is thrilled to have reached new economic development milestones in 2024 — tracking exponential growth in new and emerging industries ranging from electric vehicles to data science, and beyond. With its bountiful city infrastructure and diverse talent pool, it continues to be a growing hub for emerging industries and new commercial development.

With countless commercial construction projects underway at any given time, the need for efficient permitting processes has never been greater. Whether it be an entirely new construction project in Chicago, an office upgrade, interior renovation, or multi-location remodel, preparing for, applying, and obtaining the right construction permits for your project are all key to staying ahead of schedule and getting your project across the finish line.

Streamlining this process is essential for faster project completion, staying on schedule, and achieving cost savings by reducing delays. Learn more about navigating the permitting landscape for construction projects in Chicago below.

The Process for Acquiring Permits for Construction Projects in Chicago

While Chicago’s business-friendly environment and skilled workforce make it an ideal location for expansion, the intricate permitting process can present significant challenges, potentially causing delays and increased costs. It’s important to note that streamlining this process is crucial for timely project completion and budget adherence.

In Chicago, along with the normal challenges associated with applying for commercial building permits, Chicago also has its own set of construction codes: The Chicago Building Code. Whether you are requesting a building permit, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, or another type, having the right pre-application strategy, submitting your application accurately, utilizing their review system, and avoiding common pitfalls will be key factors in the success of your project.

For a more in depth, step-by-step, overview of the permitting process in Chicago, be sure to explore our free guide.

Are Your Permit Applications Complete and Accurate?

One of the biggest pitfalls in the permitting process is submitting incomplete or inaccurate applications. This can lead to significant delays, as projects may get stuck for weeks or even months. Common reasons for rejection include:

  • Missing information
  • Inaccurate details
  • Missing elements
  • Unanswered email communications

Scout Services can help ensure that your permit applications are thorough and accurate. We handle all follow-through with municipal officials so that your project can stay on track.

Don’t Forget About Chicago’s Expedited Review Systems

Chicago offers expedited review options for minor projects, which can significantly speed up the permitting process. This includes the Express Permit Program, which is designed for smaller, simpler projects and allows for a quicker review and approval process. There is also the Self-Certification Permit Program, which allows qualified professionals to certify that their plans comply with the building code, bypassing some of the usual review steps.

Both programs can be beneficial for applicable projects, reducing waiting times and helping to keep your project on schedule.

A Few Common Chicago Permitting Challenges and Solutions

In our robust experience, there are a few common challenges we recommend staying well aware of when obtaining permits in Chicago.

Failing to Master The Application Basics

First and foremost, it’s important to never underestimate how important it is to carefully prepare your documents. You might be surprised to find out how many projects are actually delayed by incomplete submissions and/or inaccurate information.

Furthermore, you will want to ensure you have accounted for all of the additional permits your project type requires — this is another common pitfall that also slows down project momentum and can lead to unexpected delays.

Ignoring Complete Compliance

Moreover, you will want to ensure full compliance with local Chicago regulations. This might look like addressing any outstanding debts with the Department of Finance and ensuring your project contractors have up-to-date licenses issued by the City of Chicago. Ignoring these critical compliance needs will only lead to additional delays — and increased costs.

Finally, you’ll want to do what you can to mitigate any hurdles that could slow you down, this includes staying on top of the most recent rules, laws, and permitting updates.

Whether it be staying up to date on the latest news, or dealing with any of the other permitting complexities, Scout Services excels in providing expert guidance and comprehensive support to confidently navigate the permitting landscape — keeping your project on track from start to finish. Explore more of the benefits of an expert permit partner for construction projects in Chicago below.

The Benefits of Bringing in a Professional Permit Expediter for Construction Projects in Chicago

Partnering with a local permit expediter like Scout Services early in your project saves you the headache of navigating complex submittals, following-up with multiple departments, and managing permit edits and revisions.

With our home office based in Chicago, our team uniquely understands the city’s unique permitting landscape, including the complex ProjectDox plan review system. Unlike other municipalities that use ProjectDox, Chicago has its own unique management of this system, which can be a significant learning curve for any project team.

Whether you’re a builder, architect, or business owner, our team ensures your commercial construction project proceeds without unnecessary delays.

Ready to Get Started? Streamline Your Project Today

Our local permit scouts handle the day-to-day permitting tasks so you can focus on your commercial project’s bigger picture. Contact us today to learn more about how Scout Services can help streamline the permitting process for your next commercial construction project in Chicago.

Reach out to get started on your next project today.